21 Grams (2003)

When a father consoles his dejected daughter for her husbands demise he says “After your moms death I felt the same ,I felt I was not going to make it up ,but the life goes on !”. She immediately responds "No dad it’s a lie Life doesn’t goes on !” .Thats this movie's crux.Life doesn't move for the characters.Its been dragged and coiled around instances which they create of their own.

Its really some times different feeling to watch a movie with non linearity screenplays. Totally it defines a movie in nervous moments with considerably great level of work in editing and scriptwriting. To make a movie of which do not fit in to to the usual story telling calls for a genuine proficiency in mastering the script .I could make it in a precise way of the techniques implied on this way of non linear script after watching 21 Grams.Any body would say Editing plays a important role in these movies.I could say Editing is the only tool for non linear movie plus correlation of sequences.Because the scenes are shot as per the past ,present and future instances and they are punched in a non sequential manner to look as in the form of non linear order.

21grams is about three persons interlinked by an accident.There are movies which had the same motive like Ammores Perres,Babel which linked different characterby an incident.Those movies and 21 Grams are directed by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu .But whats special about 21 grams its about emotions and realization.Sick trodden academician Paul Rivers (Sean Penn ),depressed Christina (Noami Watts ),Jack Jordon (Benicio del Toro ) all of them get related through a accident when Jack happen to kill Christina’s Husband and daughters.The whole movie is about realizing the mood of individuals like “Why am I “ and why it happens to me ?. A heart transplant has just saved the life of lecherous college professor Paul (Sean Penn), but the guilt of survival has overwhelmed him.

At one instance the whole movie looked so sick and deeply depressed but when the movie progressed with some level of nonchalant camera work and dialogue made me so relaxed with what I am experiencing .I was made to understood where it was leading towards.Every scene of the move was so occupied(The shots had every which is one very peculiar thing of the movie where you can not notice even a single distant shots which can give a clear picture of the stage .Slowly the heaviness of the movie crawls in to you with a level of sorrow and pain stricken.

I don’t know slowly I have become a big fan of Noami watts ,she looks amazingly matured with the role she carries,The level of frustration and pain she spits on Sean Penn made me to think of the agony any young widow takes hides in her,Benicio del Toro and Sean penn sails on the same boat with regard to level of emotions they display. Equally despressed characters in the momentary synchronizing with life failing for both of them. all knew they are all united together by the fatal car accident but it will be interesting for some and irritating for some to understand the clues developed for them to unite which I was hoping as a alarming scene .But it was different with movie narrowing to end.
I loved the poetry which Sean Penn narrates to Naomi Watts during their lunch
“The earth turned to bring us closer. It turned on itself and in us, until it finally brought us together in this dream.” Some times amidst all the non linearity this one line would tell the Human relation’s paradox.


Anonymous said…
That was a very well observed review.You seem to have really enjoyed the movie and the review is reflective of the fact that you have spent quite sometime thinking abt the movie rather to put it the other way the impact it made in you is so very evident in the nature of observations you make in your review.That was a real good one- I liked the way the review started and the ending note was also equally impressive.Good one mate :)

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