Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

Atlast I made it to the show with my friend. My memories have faded away with the previous editions of Indiana Jones as I have watched it three years ago. I tried watching it again but couldn’t make it because of some constraints. This was one of the much talked ,hyped anticipated sequel and I am not fully expressive about the movie.

Famous adventurer Henry Jones comes back to his adventurous ride when he gets becomes embroiled in a Russian plot to discover the secret of the mysterious crystal skulls which are believed to have extraterrestrial origins. The most dependable and charming actor of Harrison Ford is back ,but I can not say it was a bang because some how the first edition of any series becomes the benchmark .Kingdom of Crystal skull suffers from that comparison.For new viewers it becomes difficult to comprehend with modern day technically advanced treasure hunt movies like National treasure. But still Indiana Jones is at the top with the viewers.

Harrison Ford still makes his energy flowing out for the character of Henry Jones and he runs as he was running in Raiders of Lost ark.Karen Allen is back as the spirited Marion Ravenwood.When Henry is approached by the greaser Mutt Williams (Shia LeBeouf) who is the son of Karen Allen.Combined along with the Russians the team searches the Kingdom.Steven Spielberg and George Lucas has made a impressive cast .But what didn’t work in this movie ,I am still surprised why I was not able to watch the movie with enthusiasm when the movie progressed.

Indiana Jones is one of the all time greatest character and no one can have a dispute in Speilberg –Lucas combination but I felt the magic of searching was missing.The brilliance in the technical and performance was evident but some how I was not able to be contended with the brilliance of the screenplay. It was joy to see Indy doing all his tricks and stunts from the beginning in a warehouse some where I feel the movie lost its way.Its not a messed up movie I would give my opinion as O.K than giving it Good.Because when I left the hall I didn’t feel ‘Oh it was that one or O.M.G I don’t believe it “


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