The consequences of Love - (Italian)(2004)

In a hotel in Switzerland , an Italian businessman named Titta Di Girolamo (Toni Servilo ) sits silently, alone in the window of the café and looks at a woman with his hidden intentions.He had been doing this for years as we wait for him to know what he is trying to do .When we know he has been waiting for his duties which remains a secret ,we also wait impatiently to know whats the secret of the man who is stubborn ,impeccable.

Consequences of Love speaks about the man who remains dark who is entangled in a dark world who tries to enlighten his life through a beautiful woman .Life when spreaded with loneliness and silence makes you to think with reality and truth in a very clear manner.Thats what happens with Titta he gets separated with his wife ,his children doesn’t want to speak to him,he avoids his brother ,he smokes continuously and his intentions and priorities are unknown.We are shown only when some times he carries a baggage of money to a bank which is not described till the end.

Nobody knows anything about him. He speaks to no-one and his face expresses no emotion but he has every emotions a man could have,His lust and his movements can not be made out so easily,but on the move we are told with a unimaginable and unconventional end which is disturbing and touching .It speaks about a friend whom Titta had lost touch in the memories of both Titta and his friend.The end which Titta gets is not a welcome end for us though the character is beyond the reach of our liking towards us.

writer-director Paolo Sorrentino's defines many visually brilliant shot for the viewers the never ending opening shot which prolongs for minutes ,the long shots of the baggages being dropped in Titta’s room or the climax shot,They remain as upfront gem of visuals of a creator.From the start the character bind well together with the camera and they make the character reticence and makes us to manipulate many things and fail at the end. Sorrentino has made an definite mystery by putting in front the entombment in the hotel.The isolation of a human can be obviously be bored with insomnia ,speaking with in himself ,routine activities,Doping but what he is upto we can not read through.

This enigma makes this movie a tense, disastrous visual rendering of a lonely man.Simply superlative cinema.


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