The King of Comedy(1982)

It’s a shocker and its real .You can get many things what you want from this movie.It sweeps down all your expectations.There is no drugs,no blood ,no boss of bosses but still it’s a Martin Scorsese movie.Who else its Martin and Robert De Niero in a stunner for me .I was expecting a comedy film but it wasn’t a comedy movie nor a Scorsese kind of movie.This movie was made right after Sensational Raging bull from the same pair.

King of comedy is not your usual movie which you can sit back and relax. Its dark and it has black comedy which has to realised .Rupert Pumpkin(Robert De Niero), a struggling and aspiring comedian who wants to prove his comedy skills through Media chases Jerry Langford(Jerry Lewis) a popular Comedian and TV anchor.Rupert tries through many means to reach him to get a chance for the show .When he reaches through unauthorised manner he is been humiliated by Jerry.Rupert along with his fellow friend Masha Kidnaps James and he puts very straight that if he has to release Jerry ,he demands that he wants to be on the show for a night in Jerry Langford show.Rest becomes history for Rupert Pumpkin.

Its such a different character he portrays a conflicted ,methodical, innocent character which is a challenge for any actor.I read that he has ranked this movie as the toughest character which he has played on screen than Taxi driver or Goodfellas.Martin Scorsese also has been very very keen in De Niero playing this character for no reason but for his pure methodical intelligence.Every scene of this movie would show a different De Niero whom we have never seen for years.When he displays the skill in the climax we would be able to see how he has drilled himself for the character in putting across the timing humours and body languages.I bet you can not see his identical mannerisms in this movie.His typical sarcastic mouth is not there even for a second.Rather we are given with the character Rupert Pumpkin who pronounces routine dialogues and very irritating bodylanguage for many.But it was brilliant show for the legend.

There are only few combinations in this Cinema World which has been unique over the years.You can not name better than De Niero and Martin Scorsese.You can not cherish this movie it’s a disturbing portrayal of a man so obsessed by fame and enchanted with his idols .This movie gives a indescribable obsession and uneasiness about the character and the way it moves ,It makes this movie unique among the comedy films because you don’t which is real and which is made for camera .


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