Frequency (2000)

Some times weird imagination of the movie will take us by shock and will entertain us.This was one of the movie which was recommended by Ashok and I had the chance to watch this movie in his DVD .

A son who gets a chance to communicate with his Dad who is dead 30 years ago through old Radio.He speaks to his dad and alters the series of incidents which took place for the thirty years ,The movie begins as Frank Sullivan (Dennis Quaid) firefighter and family man who spends his nights talking to strangers over a HAM radio.He is a die hard of fan of Mets .Movie moves to 1999 ,when Frank's son John has grown up into (Jim Caviezel) and become a police officer,accidentally he gets his Dad’s Radio which was dormant for years.

When he finds some one is speaking in the radio,John realises its his Dad who was dead thirty years ago.Every night he speaks with him to tell him what had happened and they investigate on the serial murder which happened in 70’s .It might be funny to elaborate the sequences of the movie ,but the real funny thing is it works .The movie grows on its worthy scenes to show a worthy thriller.It moves from the father son relation ship to the serial killer and the methodical way to win the time against two parallel sets.

Every body likes to change the moment of their life to change or revive ,Both John and Frank get their moments and they build upon it to make their life and get united.It gets complicated for both of them to understand and believe but some how they make it up.The subplot will interest you equally to the main time frame as we have the same killer living during the John’s period also.

One of the logical flaw which I found was that the killer appearing at both the period at the same frame which could have turned to be a letdown some how the pace of the movie makes us forget about it.Some times these kind of movie never makes us think “why this ?“because of its intelligent presentation. James Caviezel as the son and Dennis Quaid as Dad make up their moments ,they struggle between themselves and they realise what they are getting along.

Frequency is a good watch as its fairly plausible and it gives the viewers to enjoy the movie rather questioning about the plot.If you really have the moment to change your past what would you do ? .This movie can sell of its own to the viewers with that particular tag and its perfect screenplay makes it complete .


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